Written by   |   Apr 16 2021   |   Read 2346 times

Whilst Act! CRM software is a powerful tool on its own, you can increase your productivity even further by expanding functionality using Act! Addons.

Simply put, Act! AddOns save you time, money, and helps make Act! better. From hundreds of Act! AddOns, you can select the features that you need and then take advantage of those functions to streamline your business processes and unlock Act!'s full potential. 

Here are a few AddOns that our customers can't live without...

Handheld Contact

Act! comes with its own mobile app, Act! Companion however if you want the full power of Act! from anywhere, with or without Internet, you need Handheld Contact. Handheld Contact makes it easy to find your contacts fast with four separate convenient and powerful search tools. Once you find the contact, you have one-click access to calling, emailing, or text messaging them, all of which get recorded as Histories in Act!.


  • Easily manage your calendars and activities as you would with Act!, and every action is recorded and synced to your Act! History. 
  • Salespeople love the Opportunity features as HHC provides unparalleled access to pipeline details. With a new or existing Opp, you're only one click away from sending professional-looking quotes or invoices that support company logos, colors, sales taxes, foreign exchange, and more. 
  • Tailor HHC to provide mobile mapping for route planning,  SMS blasts to multiple contacts, and alerts to upcoming activities and annual events like birthdays and anniversaries.
  • Save time by duplicating contacts for easier data entry of multiple contacts from the same company. And speaking of easier data entry, HHC supports business card scanning and voice-to-text recording of notes and histories!

There are multiple versions of Handheld Contact to suit all budgets and requirements. View the Product Comparison Chart




The integration between Act! and Outlook is paramount for most Act! users. If you need more features than what Act! offers, Act4Outlook is a must-have AddOn for single users or small teams.

With Act4Outlook, you can send an email from Outlook, and it will automatically be attached to the matching record in Act! within a second, even with Act! closed. All incoming messages automatically record and link to the Act database as long as a Contact with the sender's email address is found in the database. Users can also enter one or more domain names to ignore so that any emails sent from those domains are not attached to the database.


  • Select an email in your inbox, and click on "Go to Contact", and find the matching contact in your Act! database. 
  • Quickly create a Contact or Activity by right-clicking on an email.  Whilst this is a function with the native Outlook integration of Act!, with Act4Outlook, it's so much faster and has more options.
  • It's easy and fast to send Outlook contacts to Act! - simply right-clicking one or more contacts from your address book, and select "Send to Act!". 
  • Send one or more tasks to Act! from your Outlook To-Do list that you create from either Outlook or your mobile device. IOS users can type countless reminders into their mobile devices, and then send them all to Act! with a couple of clicks of their mouse. 
  • Link your email to additional Contacts, Companies, Groups, or Opportunities on the fly, so the History can be attached to more than just the email recipient.
  • With Act4Outlook, you can disable the Act-Outlook address book integration that so often slows down computers, and get more functionality!




AutoHistory4Act! speeds up Outlook & ensures a complete Act! history by replacing the Outlook plugin from Act! with this reliable background service that captures all required messages, often missed by plugins. It is the best Outlook integration solution for businesses with multiple users, as it provides management with peace of mind that all is recorded as there is no individual user-intervention required. It can also record history for shared mailboxes, unlike plugins.


  • Speed up Outlook by removing the Outlook plugin from Act! and using this service instead.
  • Avoid downtime caused by updates from Microsoft or Act! affecting your email integration.
  • Automatically records all email messages to the history tab of the contact who sent or received the email message, except where the contact is not in Act! or if you exclude the address.
  • Includes messages sent from a mobile device or other person or computer that doesn’t have Act! (unlike the Outlook plugin).
  • Includes messages received while Outlook is closed (unlike the Outlook plugin).
  • Cannot be disabled by an Outlook issue (unlike the Outlook plugin).
  • Marks the message in Outlook so the user can see which messages matched an Act! contact (unlike the Outlook plugin).
  • Installed on a single server or workstation, and does not require Outlook at all (unlike the Outlook plugin).
  • Connects to Office 365 or Exchange Server (local or hosted) at your desired frequency (eg. every 5 minutes) to check for new messages to record to Act! history.
  • Checks any selected mailboxes for your organisation even for people not using Act!, providing a complete history of all correspondence between your team & your contacts.




With LeadCapture4Act!, you can automatically create and update contacts from your web forms. This service runs in the background and receives the emails from your web forms to create and/or update contacts in Act! saving your team so much time.


  • Installed on a single server or workstation, and does not require Outlook at all.
  • Connects to Office 365 or Exchange Server (local or hosted) at your desired frequency (eg. every 5 minutes) to check for new messages to record to Act!.
  • Allows you to map the content of the message to any contact fields in Act!
  • Attaches the message to Act! history
  • Moves messages to another folder when processed.
  • Requires the email to be in plain text format.


These are just a few of the most popular AddOns. To see more, visit our AddOns or for the entire list - see Act! AddOn Shop. If you find an AddOn you like, feel free to contact us to find out if it's going to provide the functionality you need before making a purchase.

Josh Noonan

Josh Noonan is the CEO of Act Today, trained & mentored by founder Michael Bryant for almost 20 years. After 7 years as an IT consultant, Josh became an Act! Certified Consultant and joined Act Today in 2002. Josh has been an integral part of the ongoing improvement of Act Today’s consulting services and awarded “Consultant of the Year” seven times in the eleven years of the award.

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